Creative Ideas – Latvia

Creative Ideas is an NGO from Latvia, and provides informal children, youth and adult education. It was established in 2011 and has grown to over 40 members.

Creative Ideas specializes in education, culture, society integration, and rural development. They organise training, creative workshops, exhibitions and competitions, prepare training materials and conduct research.

Since the foundation, Creative Ideas has involved more than 1000 persons in various activities, introduced Latvians to other countries and cultures and helped more than 500 migrants to integrate in Latvia. They work in Riga, the capital city of Latvia, and Balvi town, which is located in North East of Latvia nearby the border with the Russian Federation.

Creative Ideas is an inclusive organisation that values diversity. Their staff include parents of young children, persons 50+, persons with disabilities, students and representatives of the Latvian diaspora.

Creative Ideas is a member Civic Alliance–Latvia, Latvian Adult Education Association and Latvian Rural Forum. They have joined the Cooperation Memorandum between NGOs and the Cabinet of Ministers in Latvia and the Cooperation Memorandum between NGOs and the Riga Municipality.

Contact person: Sanita PUTNINA

Biedrība „Radošās Idejas”
Riga and Balvi

Tel.: +371 28316943

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